Social Proof: The Job-Seeker’s Secret Weapon

Sure, your resume touts your amazing accomplishments and highlights your impressive skill sets. And why shouldn’t it? You are in full control of every word of your personal narrative. You say you’re an excellent communicator, and you increased sales by 500%, and you know everything there is to know about best practices in your field…

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How to Improve Your Recruitment Strategy to Attract Skilled Workers

Recruiting great workers is one of the more challenging parts of running a business. Finding the right people to work for your business can be costly and time-consuming, and you have to do it all over again if they don’t stick around. Perfecting your employee recruitment strategy can save you time and money while helping…

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You’re On Mute

Mistakes Made During the Video Interview Process By Jeff Herzog, President of FPC Since the pandemic began, videoconferencing has transformed the way employers interview candidates. And while this technology has the potential to streamline the interview process, reduce costs, and broaden the candidate pool, it is also fraught with challenges and hurdles. In the olden…

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Confront Today’s Managerial Challenges Head On

FPC (Fortune Personnel Consultants) works closely with clients throughout the hiring process. Because of this, we are uniquely in tune with the management challenges faced by our clients on a daily basis. To help our clients through this particularly challenging time, we’re putting together a series of presentations…. Click here to read more

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